Veggie Food/Comfort Food

If you are anything like me you where probably raised on veggie food. I have never eaten meet and quite frankly I don’t feel the need to. In the Adventist community people who are vegetarian tend to eat a lot of canned veggie food. If you go to a retreat or really anything that might feed you I could pretty much guaranty that you will eat some kind of veggie food wile your there if not for every meal.

So here is the question of the hour; do the words Big Franks, Tender Bits, FriChik, or Little Links mean anything to you? If so than you have probably tasted the goodness of our highly processed highly sought after over priced soy beans. If you haven’t well you probably weren’t’ raised on it so you’ll probably think they are gross. These foods really aren’t comparable to meat though they are “imitation” meat so if you try it thinking its going to be similar you will be greatly disappointed. They are in a league all there own!

My personal favorite is the Big Frank, it is a larger dog and is heavy on the seasonings. The problem is that it is one of the more processed of the meats so my poor digestive system doesn’t always appreciate it. I am a little low on the stomach acid so the more processed the food is the harder it is for me to digest it is definitely a comfort foods so I still eat it. I know shame on me. Someday maybe I’ll learn.

Just Your Average Blender Bottle

This is my Blender Bottle. It is royally pink priding its self that it is such an amazing color. It goes with its owner about half the time, the other half of the time it stays home. You see, it is greatly ashamed to walk around with someone who prefers came over pink. Though there may be some blender bottles that are not ashamed of their owners this is not one of them.

Despite being ashamed this blender bottle is actually put to use on a very regular basis. It lends its self to hold water, the occasional “bowl” of oatmeal, and its favorite… smoothies! The owner you see, believes in using things to their full potential. If it doesn’t leak and it’s easy to clean than its usable. If the above qualification are not met it moves on to a new home to live with someone of less disputes.

Attempting to Eat Food

For the love of a delicious plate of Mexican food!

So you know when you ask how big the plate is going to be and the lady is like “oh its not that big” Ya don’t believe her. A friend and I went out to eat the other night and as “responsible” humans we each ordered our own food. I was hungry but not too hungry so I asked the kind waitress how big the meal was going to be. She of course responded with encouraging words like “oh its not that big” and “it’ll be fine”. I guess I looked like I could eat more than I actually can because I kid you not the plate she brought was higher than my laptop. The thing was huge! I took one look at that thing and thought “this is going to be no easy feet.” Needles to say I had a stomach ache for the rest of the night and quite honestly I didn’t get hungry till lunch the next day. But hey I’m an american and we laugh in its face of a plate full of food. Right? No we just get a doggie bag.

Stay cool, God bless, and don’t eat too much 🙂